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  • October 23, 2023

Xiled Gaming Network has recently rolled out a new incentive program geared toward giving those who have an interest in donating to the community a chance to get unique rewards in return for their contributions. This new program is known as the Tier System. It gives members a chance to donate either as a single purchase or as a recurring subscription, in increments of one, three, or six months; allowing them a chance to contribute however much or little they are able in exchange for rewards along the way! These Tiers are numbered 1, 2, and 3 and each gives more of a reward based upon the contribution made to the community, and all proceeds go into the upkeep of our websites and tools as well as going back into giveaways for the members themselves. In this article, each tier will be explained in depth and how they support the community.

The first level of the Tier System is, naturally, Tier 1. This tier is available for purchase at the low price of two dollars per month and gives the member access to several different benefits. Firstly, they are given a special role available only to Tier 1 subscribers that shows up in the community Discord. This role is given automatically at the time of purchase, so a purchaser doesn’t have to wait to receive rewards from the start! Additionally, the member is given access to a premium channel available to all Tier 1 subscribers and access to premium events hosted specifically with Tier subscribers in mind! Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, purchasing a Tier 1 membership will give members access to Tier 1 giveaways that are periodically handed out from Senior Leadership.

Tier 2 of the program offers several new unique benefits atop what is offered on the level of a Tier 1 subscription, at the price of five dollars a month. Not only does a subscriber get a unique role, access to a Tier 2 premium channel, and access to Tier 2 giveaways, but this level comes with three new perks. Firstly, a member now has access to automated self-promotions meaning that, if said member is a streamer, they can provide their information and have it placed in a bot that will automatically advertise across our community server when they go live, allowing them to reach a larger audience than by word of mouth alone! Additionally, Tier 2 subscribers are able to have one custom emoji of their choice added to the server and they have access to a static, or non-animated, custom award that will be added to our Rewards and Incentives Program (R.I.P.) to be dispensed at their discretion to other members of the server or friends in the community!

Lastly there is the cream of the crop. For a purchase of ten dollars per month, members can receive access to Tier 3 benefits. Atop the aforementioned benefits, Tier 3 subscribers get a few unique rewards available only to them. They get access to their own role, premium channel, premium events, Tier 3 giveaways, automated self-promotions, and custom emoji, but they also receive access to a custom, animated award that they can distribute at will to friends or other members of the server through our RIP Program and their own personalized sticker for the server as well.

In short, the Tier System is XGN’s newest way of becoming self-sufficient as well as its newest opportunity to give back to those that put in the extra effort to give back to the community itself. XGN is dedicated to creating new ways to support its own projects and give back to its members, the gaming community, and beyond in the hopes of creating a better future for those involved and the wide world at large. Whether a member is able to give a small or large amount to making this dream come true, there are different ways for them to contribute whether it be through a small donation to the Tier System or their time as members and officers in the community. XGN appreciates the dedication and support of all who are able to make this place better for all involved!

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